Our first piece of land
we set foot on in Australia
(16 July 2005) was the sand cay of Frederick reef, a semi atoll on the outer Great
Barrier reef. A lovely place with turquoise waters. We had a quick trip with a gale behind us to the resort town
of Cairns. Our travels north inside the Barrier Reef were
smooth, but involved permanent care – we kept on thinking of Captain Cook and how amazing his work was in this reef
strewn area. We rounded Cape York and then headed west to Arnhem land (Aboriginal land in the Northern Territories) where we came across fresh crocodile tracks and unfortunately caught
a manta ray while trying to fish. The highlight of our sailing was the Kimberley area west
of Darwin, great scenery, fishing and crocodiles. We then
hopped down the coast to Exmouth, Shark Bay
and eventually arrived in Fremantle in October 2005, where we are currently based.

Beach combing in Frederick Reef |

Crocodile Creek in the Kimberley |

A salty in the Northern Territories |

The city of Perth on the Swan river |